
The Vestry is the governing board of the parish. It is responsible for St. Paul’s finances, buildings, grounds, and other property. It is also charged to assist the Rector in carrying out the ministries of the parish. Every year, the parish elects four members to serve staggered three-year terms. The Vestry meets monthly, and all meetings are open to St. Paul’s parishioners.

When & Where

St. Paul’s Vestry normally meets the fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 pm in the Peach Room.

Vestry Members

Vestry Class of 2025

Elizabeth Rosen
Senior Warden
Finance Committee
Parish Life Committee

Julie Chambers
Properties Committee (Chair)
Formation Committee

Hannah Clark
Formation Committee (Chair)
Stewardship Committee

Kristin Payne
Stewardship Committee (Chair)

Parish Life Committee

Vestry Class of 2026

Jim Norys
Junior Warden

Outreach Committee
Stewardship Committee

Karen Hodges
Formation Committee

Parish Life Committee

Mandy Kelly
Parish Life Committee (Chair)
Properties Committee

Mac Mayfield
Outreach Committee (Chair)
Properties Committee

Vestry Class of 2027

Mary Ellen Hartford
Outreach Committee
Parish Life Committee

Eileen Kelley
Outreach Committee
Finance Committee

Justin Sneed
Finance Committee (Chair)
Parish Life Committee

James Spahlinger
Finance Committee
Stewardship Committee

Parish Officers

Peter Elzer

Christine Cook

Vestry Meeting Minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the vestry?

According to the canons or governing documents of The Episcopal Church, “The Vestry shall be agents and legal representatives of the Parish in all matters concerning its corporate property and the relations of the Parish to its Clergy” (Canon I.14.2). At St. Paul’s, the Vestry consists of twelve members, who are elected to staggered three-year terms at the parish’s Annual Meeting, which is usually held near the end of January. The Rector normally presides at Vestry meetings. There are two wardens or officers of the Vestry—a Senior Warden and a Junior Warden. The Vestry also elects a Treasurer and a Clerk, who are not necessarily members of the Vestry but who support its ministry. In addition to managing the parish’s finances and other resources, the Vestry partners with the Rector in articulating the congregation’s mission and, when necessary, is responsible for calling a new Rector.

What does the vestry do?

The Vestry divides its work into committees—Formation, Outreach, Parish Life, Stewardship, Properties, and Finance. It pursues that work by partnering with other parishioners, with the parish’s staff, and with individuals and organizations outside the parish. At the Vestry’s monthly meetings, each committee reports on the work it has carried out and brings any decisions that need to be made to the entire Vestry. The Treasurer, Wardens, and clergy also make reports. 

Members of the Vestry also serve as cashiers for Sunday breakfast and Wednesday dinner. They help organize the parish picnic in June and assist with other parish events such as the ministry fair in the fall and the annual stewardship Celebration Sunday.

How are vestry members selected?

Every fall, nominations for Vestry are open to anyone who is qualified and who desires to serve. According to the canons, in order to serve on the Vestry, nominees must be at least 16 years old, confirmed members of St. Paul’s for at least thirty days, and financial contributors of record in the parish (or a member of a family that pledges as a unit). Individuals may be nominated by someone else or by themselves, but a nomination form must be completed and turned in for all nominees.

All canonically eligible nominees will appear on the ballot. Voting takes place by electronic ballot on a Sunday in December. The first four individuals to receive a majority of votes are elected. We used a ranked-choice or “instant run-off” format to prevent the need for additional ballots. Those four candidates are presented for official election during the Annual Meeting in late January. The new Vestry members assume office upon taking the canonical required oath at the service following the Annual Meeting. If a Vestry member resigns or is unable to serve, the Vestry elects a replacement to serve the remainder of the former Vestry member’s term.