Parish Support Ministries
Pastoral Care Ministries
If you are interested in serving in one of our pastoral care ministries, please reach out to The Rev. Suzanne Stoner.
In addition to selling books, St. Paul’s Bookstore offers an attractive range of jewelry, gifts, prayer books, and more. We are open on Sunday mornings and also by appointment.
St. Paul’s offers wheelchair accessible transportation to and from the 8:45 & 11:00 Sunday services.
Our hospitality teams set up and host refreshments in the Welcome Center after the 11 a.m. worship service. We enjoy coffee, cappuccino, sherry, juice, snacks, and each other’s company.
Let’s Get Acquainted teams welcome newcomers and offer an opportunity to learn more about St. Paul’s and the Episcopal Church in a casual setting.
The Little Lamb Ministry walks alongside parents as they prepare to welcome a new child into their lives. Our ministry seeks to support parents both spiritually and practically.
Office volunteers are vital to our day-to-day operations. Our volunteers answer the phone, greet those who enter the building, and assist with a variety of administrative tasks.
The Parish Hall Gallery showcases the artistic talents of St. Paul’s parishioners and our community.
Each fall, winter, spring, and summer, we spend a day caring for and beautifying St. Paul’s campus. All levels, ages, and skills are invited; there is something for everyone.
If you are interested in serving in one of our pastoral care ministries, please reach out to The Rev. Suzanne Stoner.
The Prayer Shawl Guild makes shawls for individuals who may need comfort during illness or grief, upon entering a nursing home, or going through one of life’s challenges.
St. Paul’s Recycling Team carries away hundreds of pounds of paper, glass, and plastic recyclables.
The St. Spatula Guild supports grieving families by assisting with burial receptions. They also facilitate fellowship at St. Paul’s events and celebrations.
The Vestry is the governing board of the parish. Each year, the parish elects four members to serve staggered three-year terms. The vestry meets monthly, and all meetings are open to all St. Paul’s parishioners.