
When in our music God is glorified, and adoration leaves no room for pride, it is as though the whole creation cried Alleluia!
— F. Pratt Green (b. 1903) from The Hymnal 1982
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Music permeates virtually every aspect of the life of St. Pauls. As Episcopalians, we have a musical heritage that is rich and deeply spiritual. Our prime and privileged task is to worship the God who made us, and to proclaim Jesus as the Savior and Hope of the world.

The mission of the music is to aid the congregation in worship, through hymns, liturgical services, music, choral anthems, ensembles, solos, and hand bells. The choir is the heartbeat of our music ministry. The choir members volunteer and provide devoted leadership in all areas of our worship. All are welcome to join the choir.

Music Personnel

Jack Cleghorn Choirmaster & Organist

Jack Cleghorn
Choirmaster & Organist

Carol Nave
Assistant Organist & Choirmaster

Music News

St. Paul’s Friends of Music

St. Paul’s Friends of Music sponsors special concerts, events, and opportunities for our choristers and musicians. A video archive of recent music offerings is found here.

St. Paul Choir
Adults of all ages

Adults who are young and not-so-young sing in the St. Paul Choir. We sing on Sundays at the 11:00 service and at festival services. Weekday rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.

St. Dominic Choir
Youth in grades 7 - 12

Youth in grades 7-12 sing in the St. Dominic Choir. We sing on Sundays at the 8:45 service. Weekday rehearsals are held on Wednesday afternoons at 4:30 pm.

Sts. TNC Choirs
Children in grades 2 - 6

Children in grades 2-6 sing in the St. Teresa, St. Nicholas, & St. Cecilia Choirs. We sing on Sundays at the 8:45 service. Weekday rehearsals are held on Wednesday afternoons at 3:30 p.m.

Choir Club
Children & Youth

On Wednesdays, we provide supervised activities for children & youth after school until dinner is served prior to church.

Cherub Choir
Children in Pre-K through 1st grade

Our youngest choir, for children in preschool through 1st grade, follows an abbreviated rehearsal schedule and offers a playful introduction to singing.

English Change Bell Ringers

St. Paul’s English Change Bell Ringers use handbells to approximate traditional tower bells. The ringing of bells of different tones in precise relationship to each other produce a pleasing cascade of sound.

Handbell Choir

Have you ever been interested in ringing handbells? Musical but don't want to sing? Previous ringing experience and want to get better? Join us on Thursdays for one of three handbell choir offerings.

Arkansas Interfaith Conference Choir Camp

AIC Choir Camp offers an intensive week-long music program each July with classes in choral singing, handbells, liturgy, Broadway song & dance, history, poetry, and art. Choir Camp is hosted by Subiaco Abbey and Academy in Subiaco, Arkansas.

 Choir Registration 2021-22

 St. Paul’s Music Calendar