Youth Ministry
The mission of St. Paul’s Youth Ministry is to form lifelong disciples by exploring God's love in a supportive and inclusive community.
Building upon the foundations laid in our Children’s Ministry programs, we strive to offer the youth of our parish (7th-12th graders) an inclusive space where they can begin to explore and articulate their own faith journey as well as build Christian community with their peers.
We gather weekly on Sunday mornings, afternoons, and Wednesday evenings. We offer regular opportunities for service and gathering with other youth across the Diocese.
2024-25 Forms
Youth Ministry News
Youth Ministry Offerings
During the Spring semester each year we offer Confirmation classes for youth in 10th - 12th grade. Confirmation is the sacramental rite in which candidates express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.
Serving in Worship
Youth are welcome and invited to participate roles during worship in addition to singing in the choir. Let us know if you are interested in serving in a liturgical role; these include being an Acolyte or an Usher, serving with the Altar or Bread Guild, or, once Confirmed, serving as a Lay Reader/Eucharistic Minister. These roles require training once we have mutually discerned what you feel capable of and called to do.
About Our Program
Our Values
Because of God’s love for the world…
… we nurture our relationship with God in order to understand who we are called to be in the world.
… we seek to understand the faith traditions passed down to us and to articulate our own faith stories.
… we lead in our community through wholehearted service and compassionate advocacy.
… we collectively create a welcoming space where we feel a sense of safety and belonging.
Our Commitment
We are committed to creating a safe environment that protects the well-being of all children and youth who participate in activities at our parish. We have designed and implemented policies to reflect that commitment. Please ask to see a copy of the policy if you would like more information.