Choir Camp Festival Day

Saturday, July 29, 2023
9:30 am, Subiaco Abbey

Enjoy a musical day in the beautiful mountains of Arkansas! Choir Camp Festival Day at Subiaco Abbey is on Saturday, July 29, from 9:30 am until 1:30 pm. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist, share an outdoor picnic, and enjoy a Broadway show.

Festival Day Schedule

9:40 am • Prelude in the Abbey Church

10:00 am • Holy Eucharist in the Abbey Church

11:30 am • Picnic on the Abbey Grounds (please bring some to share)

12:30 pm • Broadway show in Centenary Fine Arts Center

1:30 pm • Head for home!

Photo of Subiaco Academy: Douglas Wertman, 2013. Creative Commons.


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