Forgetting to Remember

AM Psalm 78:1-39 • PM Psalm 78:40-72
Isa. 59:1-15a • 2 Tim. 1:1-14 • Mark 9:42-50

I learned that the Psalm for this morning is a lesson in history - a retelling of the history of the nation of Israel, from their time in Egypt to the reign of King David. But it’s also a psalm with a lesson about God’s forgiveness and love for us, even when we forget to remember God’s faithfulness.

The psalmist starts out by reminding us to tell our children so they may tell their children, and their children’s children about God’s generous love for us so that every generation may put their hope in God, not forget the wonder of God’s works, and keep God’s commandments.

It is good to be reminded that even when we forget to remember God’s graciousness and run amuck, that after our self-created chaos and the punishment that follows, God’s love for us always provides for a new beginning, a way forward out of our messes. We just have to remember not to forget that.

Written by Kathy McGregor

Kathy often forgets all kinds of things but is constantly reminded of God’s love.


Suffer the Children


Thank You, Bishop Barber!