Flower Guild
Week in and week out, beautiful flowers grace the altars in our church. The St. Thérese Flower Guild expertly arranges the flowers in the Nave. After each Sunday Service, altar flower arrangements are broken up into smaller bouquets and delivered to members of our community needing connection and cheer.
Jana Mayfield
Sponsor Altar Flowers
Make the church beautiful with a gift of flowers or candles.
Altar flower dedications may commemorate an occasion or be made in memory, celebration, honor of, or in thanksgiving for a loved one.
When flowers are given, the dedication is included in the spoken prayers and printed in our prayer list.
Altar Flower Availability Calendar
Suggested donation amounts
Altar Flowers $75
Altar Greenery during Advent or Lent $50
Altar Candles $25
To sponsor altar flowers, please call the church office or email Pete Kinkel-Schuster.
Flower Guild News
Learn More
Recommended Reading
Faith Flowers
Laura Iarocci
Flower Guild through the Seasons