LENT 2023
Join us in a Carbon Fast
Lent is the time we remember the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness fasting and praying. It is also a time to reflect on God’s presence in our lives and in the world.
This season of Lent, we invite you to take a carbon fast—to reduce unintentionally harmful actions toward God’s creation and vulnerable communities. Create your own Carbon Fast or choose from this calendar of suggested daily actions, and commit to making these practices part of your daily life.

Return your pledge card to St. Paul’s tomorrow
Return your pledge card to St. Paul’s tomorrow and help us measure our collective impact in reducing our carbon footprint.

Sit in darkness and reflect on activities you have undertaken and how they have contributed to a greener, healthier planet.
Consider joining St. Paul’s Stewardship of Creation group. Contact Myria Allen to learn what the group has been doing and plans to do in 2023.

Service your vehicle
When your engine runs at peak efficiency, it reduces pollution. Cars and trucks account for nearly one-fifth of all US emissions, emitting twenty-four pounds of global-warming gases per gallon of gas. Nineteen of those pounds come right out of your car’s tailpipe.
Service your vehicle. Good maintenance increases fuel efficiency.
You can also improve your gas mileage by 0.6% on average—up to 3% in some cases—by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure. Underinflated tires can lower gas mileage by about 0.2% for every 1 psi drop in the average pressure of all tires. Properly inflated tires are safer and last longer.

Consider buying an all-electric (EV) or a dual fuel vehicle
Electric vehicles help improve fuel economy, lower fuel costs, and reduce emissions. When the electricity comes from renewable sources, all-electric vehicles produce zero emissions to drive.
Aviation contributes around 4% to human-induced global warming.
Buy an all-electric (EV) or a dual fuel vehicle. Minimize or avoid air travel whenever possible. Some tax credits are available.
Local utilities offer incentives for EVs. SWEPCO customers are eligible for a rebate of $250 for installing a home EV charging station. Ozarks Electric Customers can apply for a lower rate of .05 per kWh when charging their EVs between 10:00 pm and 5:00 am.
Helpful Links

Obey the speed limit when driving
Obey the speed limit when driving. Every 10mph faster reduces fuel economy by 4 mpg, a figure that is constant regardless of vehicle size.

Streamline your car trips and carpool when able • Meat-free Monday
Gasoline costs money and emits toxic chemicals into the air including those related to climate change. Reduce your stress by being in the car less.
Plan errands for the week to complete multiple tasks in one trip to save gas. Streamline your car trips, and carpool when able.
Eating less meat reduces your carbon footprint. By eating less meat, you can also save money and improve your health.
Meat and dairy account for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The diet of vegans or vegetarians generates less than half of the food-related CO2 of a heavy meat eater.
Vegetarian recipe resources
Learn more about the impact of food on our carbon footprint

Find the most environmentally friendly way to get to church
Find the most environmentally friendly way to get to church (walk, bike, bus, rideshare, etc.) and use it today! Use any alternative ways to get to work and school.
Thanksgivings for the Natural Order: For the Beauty of the Earth
We give you thanks, most gracious God, for the beauty of earth and sky and sea; for the richness of mountains, plains, and rivers; for the songs of birds and the loveliness of flowers. We praise you for these good gifts, and pray that we may safeguard them for our posterity. Grant that we may continue to grow in our grateful enjoyment of your abundant creation, to the honor and glory of your Name, now and for ever. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, p. 840

Talk with others about how to easily reduce their carbon use
Communication shapes how we see and what we value. You can share great ideas and learn from others as well.

Use reusable bottles and bags • Movie night
Plastic bottles and bags require oil and energy to make and transport. Plus, plastic waste floods into our waterways killing marine life and works its way into the foods we eat.
If you have children or teens around, enlist their help in finding reusable bottles and bags to use.
Watch a movie with your household about faithful environmentalism and/or energy and climate change.
The movies linked below are informative and inspirational. Watching movies together allows us to spend time with those we love and invites an opportunity for meaningful discussion.
Movie Links

Advocate and vote
All elections are important—even local.
Commercial and residential buildings are responsible for 29% of US greenhouse gas emissions and over 33% globally. Mayors hold the power to make real change in this sector: small tweaks to municipal zoning and building codes can dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of our nation’s building stock, while delivering energy savings to millions.
Advocate and VOTE for candidates who support clean, just, and equitable energy policies at every level of government.

Commit to learning more
There is so much to learn about how to be better stewards of God’s glorious gift to us. Problems may seem daunting but through learning more we can solve many problems.
Commit to learning more by viewing documentaries and reading books.
Helpful Links

Evaluate your fireplace
Homes with wood-burning fireplaces and stoves have elevated levels of indoor air pollutants. Open fireplaces allow indoor heat to escape.
Consider the carbon impact of having a fire in your fireplace. Look into a FP insert, fan, or high-efficiency stove.

Clean or replace air filters • Meat-free Monday
Clean or replace air filters as recommended.
According to the Department of Energy, nearly half of your energy bill comes from using your HVAC system. Dirty air filters make your unit work harder to pass air through the build-up, ultimately increasing your electric bill. Your indoor air health suffers.
Replacing a dirty filter can help to save you up to 15% of that bill. Investing in an inexpensive air filter far outweighs the cost of high energy bills.
Eating less meat reduces your carbon footprint. By eating less meat, you can also save money and improve your health.
Meat and dairy account for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The diet of vegans or vegetarians generates less than half of the food-related CO2 of a heavy meat eater.
Vegetarian recipe resources
Learn more about the impact of food on our carbon footprint

“Receive the world God has given. Go for a walk. Get wet. Dig the earth.” - Rowan Williams
“Receive the world God has given. Go for a walk. Get wet. Dig the earth.”
— Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
Prayers for the Natural Order: For the Future of the Human Race
O God our heavenly Father, you have blessed us and given us dominion over all the earth: Increase our reverence before the mystery of life; and give us new insight into your purposes for the human race, and new wisdom and determination in making provision for its future in accordance with your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, p. 828

Celebrate Earth Hour today!
Every year, people across the globe celebrate Earth Hour and take one iconic action: switch off the lights. It is a symbol of unity, a symbol of hope, and a demonstration of the power of collective action for our future and the future of our planet.
Join people worldwide by turning off your lights from 8:30 - 9:30 pm.
Helpful Link

Use a clothesline • Movie night
Clothes dryers account for 5% of all residential electricity use in the U.S. Instead, use a solar powered dryer to dry your laundry—also known as a clothesline.
Helpful Link
Watch a movie with your household about faithful environmentalism and/or energy and climate change.
The movies linked below are informative and inspirational. Watching movies together allows us to spend time with those we love and invites an opportunity for meaningful discussion.
Movie Links

Run your dishwasher when it’s full
Running your dishwasher half-full wastes twice the water, dish detergent, and electricity. The drying process uses electric heating elements and air pumps which can lower your dishwasher’s lifespan.
Run your dishwasher only with a full load, and don’t use heat to dry dishes.

Wash your clothes with cold water
Did you know that 75-90% of the energy from clothes washing comes from heating the water? Using cold water saves energy, money and carbon emissions. It's also gentler on your clothes, making them last longer. And in many cases, cold water washing is more effective at removing stains.
Wash your clothes with cold water whenever possible. And only wash full loads.

Install water-saving shower heads and sink faucets
Install water saving shower heads and sink faucets. A low-flow shower head has a flow rate of 2.5 gallons per minute versus 5 gallons per minute. Consider shorter showers and use less heated water.
Helpful Link

Turn down your water heater • Meat-free Monday
Lowering the water heater temperature from 140 degrees to 120 degrees will cut its energy use by 3% to 5%.
Turn down your water heater to 120 degrees. Wrap your water heater in insulation if over 5 years old or has no internal insulation.
Eating less meat reduces your carbon footprint. By eating less meat, you can also save money and improve your health.
Meat and dairy account for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The diet of vegans or vegetarians generates less than half of the food-related CO2 of a heavy meat eater.
Vegetarian recipe resources
Learn more about the impact of food on our carbon footprint

Check out The Green Bible
Check out The Green Bible. This new revised standard version of the Bible can encourage us to see God’s vision for creation and help us engage in the work of healing and sustaining it. Think about Jesus’ ministry. Reflect on examples of Jesus and the inspirations in his teaching.
Prayers for the Natural Order: For the Harvest of Lands and Waters
O gracious Father, who opens your hand and fills all things living with plenteousness: Bless the lands and waters, and multiply the harvests of the world; let your Spirit go forth, that it may renew the face of the earth; show your loving-kindness, that our land may give her increase; and save us from selfish use of what you give, that people everywhere may give you thanks; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, p. 828

Purchase locally grown food
Purchase locally grown fruits, vegetables, eggs, and other food products when possible. Locally grown food helps the local economy, local farmers, tastes better, reduces carbon miles driven, and provides health benefits.
Helpful Link

Fish Friday • Movie night
On Fish Friday, commit to buying fish from sustainable stock.
Unsustainable fish have high mercury levels and lower omega-3 levels than sustainably sourced fish. Sustainable fishing leaves enough fish in the ocean and protects habitats and threatened species.
Learn more
Watch a movie with your household about faithful environmentalism and/or energy and climate change.
The movies linked below are informative and inspirational. Watching movies together allows us to spend time with those we love and invites an opportunity for meaningful discussion.
Movie Links

Use a lid when heating water
When heating water on the stove, use a pan with a lid. Heat only as much water as you need. It takes twice as long to heat a pan of water to boiling point with the lid off than with it on.

Plan a garden for the spring
Plan a garden for the spring. Share seedling starts with neighbors, and, if there is not enough sun in your yard, reserve a community plot.
With a garden, you can eat more fresh vegetables, control the fertilizers and pesticides in your food, and enjoy being outdoors. Vegetables that ripen in the garden have more nutrients than store-bought vegetables.
Helpful Links

Cut down food waste
Save money and help the planet. Food waste in the landfill generates methane gas as it decomposes. Methane is 26x more potent than CO2 in its global warming potential.
It might surprise you to know that reducing food waste is the 3rd highest rated solution for reversing global warming in Paul Hawken’s book Drawdown.
Did you know that 1/3 of food grown is never eaten?
Look at your food use for the week. How can you cut down on waste?
Helpful Link

Find a delicious bean recipe and share it with a friend • Meat-free Monday
Find a delicious bean recipe and share it with a friend. Plan a week of meals without using meat.
One serving (1/2 cup cooked) of beans provides about 7 grams of protein, the same as one ounce of meat. Beans and legumes keep you feeing full longer and are rich in fiber and antioxidants. Animal protein has no fiber.
Eating less meat reduces your carbon footprint. By eating less meat, you can also save money and improve your health.
Meat and dairy account for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The diet of vegans or vegetarians generates less than half of the food-related CO2 of a heavy meat eater.
Vegetarian recipe resources
Learn more about the impact of food on our carbon footprint

Fast and learn
Learn how environmental degradation affects the global poor. Fast until the Lenten evening meal to be mindful of their hardship. For help getting started, see links below.
Prayers for the Natural Order: For the Conservation of Natural Resources
Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation: Give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, p. 827

Slay energy vampires
When your appliances or electronic devices are plugged in, they're draining energy—even if they're not in use. A single charger doesn't use a lot of energy, but collectively, energy vampires can be responsible for 10% of your energy bill.
Unplug electrical equipment rather than placing them on standby when not in use—chargers, toaster, unused printers.

Switch off all lights as you leave the room • Movie night
Switch off all lights as you leave the room. This is one of the easiest ways to save energy.
Watch a movie with your household about faithful environmentalism and/or energy and climate change.
The movies linked below are informative and inspirational. Watching movies together allows us to spend time with those we love and invites an opportunity for meaningful discussion.