What do we mean by vocation and discernment?
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Entering the conversation through the lens of her research in 2010 with congregations on the subject of call and vocation, Kathleen leads us towards a deeper understanding of what it means to be called by God to a vocation. She expands on the development of the eight prepositions as a way of talking about vocation: how each of us is called by God, to follow, as we are, from grief, for service, in suffering, through others, within God.
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About Dr. Kathleen A. Cahalan
Kathleen A. Cahalan is professor of practical theology at Saint John’s University School of Theology and Seminary and director of the Collegeville Institute Seminars, a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and ecumenical research project that includes seminars on vocation across the lifespan, vocation and faith in the professions, and interfaith perspectives on vocation. Her book The Stories We Live: Finding God's Calling All Around Us invites readers to a renewed vision of who they are and what they do by connecting our stories with God's story. You can learn more about her work here.